
Winery - A Modern Vineyard and Drinks -WooCommerce Multipurpose Responsive Theme

Winery - A Modern Vineyard and Drinks -WooCommerce Multipurpose Responsive Theme

Our Winery theme, created for contemporary wine, beer & liquor store websites, will make every sip great. Everything needs to be perfect for a special dinner or celebration of a significant occasion, including the food and beverages. Finding quality wine might be too difficult at times. With the help of our winery WordPress theme, you may collect the greatest wine varieties from across the globe and offer international visitors the chance to sample them. The Elementor builder and its paid add-ons were used to develop the theme. Thus, be sure to locate everything there that you require for your internet business.

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Author: TemplateTrip
Sales: 1
$72 $61
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Template ID: 329637
Author: TemplateTrip
Sales: 819
Rating: 4.76
Features: Premium, Responsive, Pro, Admin Panel, Search Engine Friendly, Bootstrap, Ajax, Retina Ready, Mobile Layout Included, Multipurpose, Right to left language support, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), Dropshipping, eCommerce, Sliced PSD, Dropdown Menu, Sample content, Tabs, Advanced Theme Options, Drag and Drop Content, MegaMenu, Performance Optimization, Blog, Online Store/Shop, HTML 5, JQuery, Static, Parallax, Lazy Load effect

Styles: Clean, Minimalist, Web2.0, Mobile, Flat

Topic: Winery Templates, Agriculture Templates, Food & Drink Templates, Business & Services, Food & Restaurant, Drink

Color: black, white, grey, yellow

compatibleWith: WooCommerce, Revolution Slider, WPML, MailChimp

tags: beer, brewery, coffee, drink, food, fruits, grocery, modern, multipurpose, organic, responsive, restaurant, shop, store, vegetable, wine, winery, wordpress, woocommerce, ecommerce

generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver

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