TM Bridey – Wedding Dress, Bridal Gown PrestaShop
Is a PrestaShop theme designed for Wedding Dress Studio, Wedding Gown Shop and Bridal Gown Store - Leo Bridey. With a very sweet and alluring design, this theme will bring great emotions to any bride who visits your website. It will bring surprises for you and your bride.
This theme has many great features to create a professional and attractive website. The first impression is 6+ Homepage Styles that allow you to magically transform the look of your website from sweet, lovely, dreamy to glamorous, enchanting.
The next highlight of the TM Bridey PrestaShop theme is its Extremely Powerful Framework 4.0, creating a fully responsive Website packed with great functionality.
Not only that, this theme has 13+ Well-Designed Product List Page Styles, 7+ Product Page Selection, 5+ Header and Footer Options, and more. gives you maximum flexibility in renewing the look and feel of your website.
With links to social networks like Instagram, well-built Shopping Page with Excellent Filtering and Sorting System, Impressive Blog, Product Comparison, Beautiful Banners .. will definitely surprise you. and surprise.
Author: | Apollotheme |
Sales: | 0 |
Template ID: 183578 |
Author: Apollotheme |
Sales: 939 |
Rating: 4.54 |
Styles: Clean, Collage, Mobile, Flat
Language Support: English, French, Spanish, Russian, German, Deutsch, Japanese, Swedish, Italian, Dutch, Ukrainian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Polish
Currencies: USD, GBP, EUR
Topic: Wedding Shop Templates, Wedding Dresses Templates, Wedding Templates, Home & Family, Fashion & Beauty, Society & People
prestashopCompatibility: 1.7.x, 1.7.7.x
tags: clean, fashion, sleeve, store, ecommerce, prestashop, wedding dress, prestashop theme, short sleeve, leotheme, wedding grown shop, bridal gown store, clothing theme, bridal theme
generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver
itemDoubts: changed-my-mind, you-are-in-good-hands, sweet-bonus-for-you, not-sure-about-your-technical-expertise, why-should-i-choose-templatemonster-s-prestashop-theme
Free 24/7
SupportReady Solution
For Any BusinessPremium
Quality Templates1 200 000+