Portroff - Responsive Personal Portfolio Bootstrap HTML Website Template
Portroff is a bootstrap landing page theme for you to promote your work, the theme has a fully responsive technology, that makes your website fit any screen size, positively impacting the accessibility of the content, the theme also has an elegant and minimalist design making it easy to present your portfolio to the visitor.
The template was developed thinking of making the life easier for those who are going to edit. Clean code techniques were used and all image templates received a prefixed size to facilitate editing, in the CSS style script some facilities were also created, such as the creation of variables at the top of the script for editing some colors and background images. The theme also presents documentation without technical terms and easy to understand.
- Font Awesome;
- Google Fonts;
- Bootstrap 5;
- Jquery;
- Owl-Carousel;
- AOS - Animate on scroll library.
Author: | Dimitroff |
Sales: | 1 |
Template ID: 216303 |
Author: Dimitroff |
Sales: 822 |
Rating: 4.53 |
generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver
Features: Responsive, Bootstrap, CV, Portfolio, One Page Templates, HTML 5, JQuery, Parallax
databaseServerCompatibility: MySQL 8.0, MySQL 5.7, MariaDB 10
webServerCompatibility: Apache 2.4, Nginx 1.2x
tags: clean, creative, dark, freelancer, minimal, modern, personal, portfolio, responsive, resume, cv, business card, onepage
pHPVersionCompatibility: 8.1, 8.0, 7.4
Topic: Photography Templates, Photographer Portfolio Templates, Web Design Templates, Personal Page Templates, Design, Designer Portfolio Templates, Design & Photography, Society & People
Styles: Clean, Minimalist, Dark, Mobile
Free 24/7
SupportReady Solution
For Any BusinessPremium
Quality Templates1 200 000+