Cybertech – Cyber Security Service Responsive Website Template
Cybertech – Cyber Security Service Responsive Website Template. This theme is perfect for businesses that are new to the cyber security industry. This website template is designed to create a professional cyber security website. It has a clean, minimal design that is responsive and mobile-friendly. It is built with HTML5 and CSS3, which means it is future-proof and easy to maintain. The homepage has a large section for company information and a large call-to-action button that leads to a login page. There are three header styles available for this template. The header on the left includes a description of what the company does, the header on the right includes social media icons, and the header on the right includes a login/logout button. The rest of the site is designed with these headers in mind. The content is laid out in a left-to-right, side-to-side format that makes it easy to read and follow. There are also options for displaying company photos or videos.
Author: | codexpert |
Sales: | 0 |
Template ID: 332123 |
Author: codexpert |
Sales: 38 |
Rating: 4.73 |
generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver
Features: Bootstrap, Ajax, Dropdown Menu, Blog, Completely JS, Background video
tags: agency, bootstrap, business, company, corporate, creative, digital, information, mobile, portfolio, protection, responsive, safety, security, service, software, solution, startup, technology
Topic: Information Security Templates, Security Templates, Business & Services, Computers & Internet
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